Becoming a Contributor at Quesers

Every Thing You need to know

Our Goal is to help students improve their grades by providing them with authentic study material while at the same time providing a sustainable source of income for contributors with a minimal amount of effort.
Lizzy picture of a Quesers contributor

What Quesers is

Due the difficulty in finding past questions and solutions in some faculties such as FET in UB we developed this solution to serve as a go to when it comes to finding study materials for exams such as Questions, Answers, tutorials and any other scarce resource. In order for us to test our assumptions that a solution like this was needed we created a mobile app where students could search for past questions just like they google things on the internet. We released the first version in May of 2021 and but limited it to just FET students. Due to the limited time we could not provide content for the exams. We only managed to provide content for a fraction of courses for level 200 and 300. However, we realised that the outcome was good and people used the app a lot to study for their exams.

Quesers is derived from the words Questions and answers, the color green represents success. It currently suports past questions and answers but has the potential to do more than that.


Quesers currently exist as an android and ios mobile application.

Our Goal is to help students improve their grades by providing them with authentic study material while at the same time providing a sustainable source of income for contributors with a minimal amount of effort.

Objective of Quesers

Our Goal is to help students improve their grades by providing them with authentic study material while at the same time providing a sustainable source of income for contributors with a minimal amount of effort.

Who are Quesers Contributors

Because we care about contributors and want them to earn a source of passive income from providing content to users, contributors are well selected individuals. Contributors are expected to be responsible and provide authentic material which is detrimental to their own success.

Contributors are selected sets of individuals most usually young adults and students who have a good IQ and who provide content for the users in a very readable and organized form.

The criteria for being a contributor will vary but it is centered about organization, responsibility and intelligence.

In order to become a contributor, you have to APPLY during the time registrations are taking place

Contributor's Dashboard

We created a dashboard that enables contributors monitor their progress and in real time. It is restricted only to contributors and anyone who has not been registered as a contributor cannot have access to it. On the dashboard contributors can upload their content, monitor download rate, and check account balance. Our development team is currently working to improve on the platform to make the lives of contributors easy.

Contributors are selected sets of individuals most usually young adults and students who have a good IQ and who provide content for the users in a very readable and organized form.

The criteria for being a contributor will vary but it is centered about organization, responsibility and intelligence.

images of the Quesers contributors dashboard home page

image of the Quesers contributors dashboard account

The Team

from every faculty a supervisor from the team will assist you along the way. They are in charge of helping you in difficulties and when the time comes they will be in charge in sending your payments and certificates. They will elaborate more on the calendar and deadlines.

Benefits of A Quesers Contributor

There are a couple of benefits that come with being a contributor.

  1. You are provided the opportunity to earn money which is only limited to the people who demand for your content.
  2. Contributors receive 50% from every paper downloaded on the year of submission. Say your content (past question and answer) for a particular course costs 200 FCFA for every download. If you get 200 downloads you will be earning 200/2 * 200 = 20 000 FCFA. For uploading just one paper. Imagine you had 5 other papers having such performance
  3. We provide certificates that show that you are a responsible citizen who gives back to his society and has competence and an intelligence quotient worth employing. Adding this to your CV will go a long way
  4. Extra packages and cash prices are to be given to top contributors who receive the highest amount of positive feedback and make the most money from the platform

How to be effective as a contributor

Once the platform is ready, a video tutorial will be provided to provide a walk through around the dashboard. However to become an effective contributor one must do the following

  1. Provide Questions and Answers in a clear and readable format.
  2. Content must be typed before submission if not, content will be rejected.
  3. In order to receive a verified tick on your content to show. authenticity you must submit proof that your content has been cross checked by a teacher. The most ideal scenario is to use the teacher's marking guide. Your content can still be submitted but will not be given the green tick on the platform.
  4. Explanations and presentation must be explicit
  5. penalties will be given to contributors who receive many negative feedback about presentation and even worst about inauthentic content.

Duties of Contributors

  1. Submit authentic content
  2. market their papers and the app
  3. make money